Thursday, February 19, 2015

Saturated Fats vs. Trans Fats

I was recently asked to join an acupuncturist at their booth in a local health fair here in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  She maintains a practice that emphasizes the importance of diet as a part of a healthy lifestyle, and rightly so.  One of the displays that brought the most questions had pictures of avocados, coconut oil and butter with "Healthy Fats!" beneath it.  Throughout the day, I struck up many conversations with people who looked at the sign perplexed and stated, "I thought saturated fats were the bad fats?"

Rather than scientifically explain the difference between saturated and trans fats, I'm going to present this perspective:  Trans fat does not exist in nature.  Saturated fats like coconut oil, unsaturated fats from nuts- these have not been chemically modified, allowing the body to organically digest them.  Trans fat, like Oleic oil, is used in many fat-free products, perpetuating the idea that fats are unhealthy when the reality is that your body doesn't recognize this oil on a molecular level and is not able to utilize it.  This is why they caution excessive consumption of Oleic oil as it has harmful effects on the digestive tract.

Why do I need fat in my diet?
If you're looking to lose weight and create a more healthy lifestyle through diet, incorporating healthy fats are ESSENTIAL.  When we cut out the fat in our diet, it's like drying the out- each cell in our body has a phospholipid layer and when nourished, our skin is elastic and healthy.  The brain is also impacted by our fat consumption.  Special brain cells called oligodendrocytes wrap around the axons and act as electrical insulators.  These cells are almost entirely composed of extracellular membrane, and thus have a high lipid (fat) content.  This gives the brain as a whole a high lipid content Studies with coconut oil and Alzheimer's/Parkinson's patient have shown either a ceasing in the degeneration process from the disease or even a recovery due to the high amount of medium chain triglycerides found in coconut oil.  

Sugar and Fat relationship 
Often, when there is a sugar craving, the body is saying, "OK, I need energy right now and I remember that time you ate that candy bar- it got us through the rest of the afternoon." But these spikes in blood sugar over time are what lead to insulin resistance AKA diabetes.  Next time there is a sugar craving, try an experiment by taking a tablespoon of coconut oil instead.  You will notice after five minutes that your sugar craving has gone away and you maintain clarity rather than become foggy after sugar consumption.  Another great replacement for sugar cravings are whole, organic fruit.  Not dried fruit- the sugar is already concentrated and you lack the fiber which is essential in the digestion of the sugar.  A pint of blueberries are terrific when you're feeling a craving for something a little sweet.  Notice how you feel after having either a fat or some blueberries as opposed to a candy bar, soda or frappaccino.  See if there is a preserved focus, maybe you sleep better that night or your mood doesn't fluctuate as much.

I am student at Southwest Acupuncture College in Albuquerque, New Mexico.  I welcome any and all questions.  Thank you- Collin


  1. Hello Collin, love your site!!!

    I had a question for you... I've recently just had a baby, and through my pregnancy I had troubles keeping my blood sugar stable. I would suffer from head aches and dizzyness... I did maintain a decent diet but did indulge once in a while with donuts, ice cream, etc.. Once my baby was born, he was in the NIC for a week because he was born with low blood sugar... I feel incredibly guilty about this... Was it my fault? Is there something I can do naturally to prevent going through this again?


    P, in Miami

  2. P, this is such a great question that I'm actually going to make it the subject of my next blog! Thank you for responding and I look forward to answering any more questions you might have.
