Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Improve Your Eyesight, Reduce Eye Swelling and Redness With Moxa!

In China and Japan, both moxa stick and loose moxa are one of the most frequently used herbs in healing.  Moxa, also known as the herb Mugwort, is a powerful herb in its adaptogenic healing nature, meaning it is used in both acute and chronic conditions, as well as heat and cold conditions.

One of my most favorite ways to use moxa stick on patients is when they complain of dry, swollen, itchy or red eyes.  With the moxa stick lit and glowing, I hold it 2-3 inches above the patients eyes for 10 breaths, then move to the outer canthus for one breath and then inner canthus.  I perform the same on the other eye and do three rounds which should equal about 10 minutes.  It's fine to open your eyes, especially if you have cataracts or vision impairments.  It should feel like a gentle warmth that is nourishing the eyes as well as deeply relaxing.

Swelling of the eye is immediately reduced, moisture returns as well.  I often send patients off with a stick to take home and use twice daily.  Using moxa on your eyes daily will improve your vision, reduce swelling from glaucoma, and reduce dryness.

If you come across a moxa stick at your herb store, check it out.  I also use it for chronic pain, as the gentle warmth nourishes and helps repair old injuries or on the belly button if you have digestive issues.  If you have questions, comment below or speak with your local acupuncturist.  Have a healthy day! -Collin

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