Monday, August 31, 2015

Triphala: The Balancing Formula For Detoxification and Rejuvenation That You HAVEN'T Been Taking

Triphala is one of my most favorite herbal blends in Ayurvedic medicine and I wanted to take a moment to share with you the benefits found in this powerful formula.  It's comprised of three fruits native to India: Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki and literally means "three fruits".

Triphala is recommended and used more often than any other Ayurvedic herbal formulation due to its ability to gently cleanse and detoxify the system while simultaneously replenishing and nourishing it.  When these three fruits are combined, they form a very powerful Rasayana.  A Rasayana is the most highly refined and powerful herbal combination known to promote long life and rejuvenation. 

Benefits of Triphala:
  •  Assists natural internal cleansing
  • Gently maintains regularity
  • Natural antioxidant and rich in polyphenols which reduce oxidative stress on the body
  • Supports healthy digestion and absorption
  • Nourishes and rejuvenates the tissues
  • Purifies the blood
  • Lowers LDL cholesterol
  • Reduces blood sugars
  • Removes excess fats from the body
  • Nurtures voice quality
  • Strengthens hair roots
  • Improves eyesight

Triphala and Weight Loss
In conditions of excess weight, triphala can be used as part of a weight loss system included with a healthy, vegetable-rich diet and exercise.  Proper digestion and elimination are important factors in achieving long-term success in maintaining an optimal body weight.  Triphala also promotes healthy eating habits and cravings by supplying the body with the full spectrum of natural tastes.  

How To Take Triphala:

Unlike some allopathic medicines, Triphala does not cause any serious side effects or ailments; a person can consume it on a regular basis without worrying about negative long-term health effects.  ***If you are pregnant or menstruating, DO NOT take Triphala.***
In Ayurvedic medicine, Taste is very important when it comes to the consumption of food as medicine, therefore, it's important to take this as a tea rather than swallowing the vegetable capsules these normally come in.  I normally open 2-3 capsules in hot water, allow it to settle and drink the tea slowly at night time before bed.  You don't need to take this three times a day; taking it before you sleep allows time for the body to let the Triphala go through and do its work.  Because Triphala works slowly, this herbal formula is meant to be taken long term as it has a deeply purifying effect.  It goes deeper into the physiology and releases the toxins at a much deeper level.

Any questions or experience with Triphala?  Comment below!  Have a healthful day- Collin

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