Sunday, August 9, 2015

Delicious, Sattvic and Easy to Prepare High Omega-3 Fatty Acid Breakfast Recipe

I still struggle time to time in finding delicious, healthy and sattvic meal options throughout the seasons.  If I don't know what I'm having for breakfast the next day, it can stress me out because I know the importance of a healthy first meal after 8 hours of fasting.  I've always loved in the Ayurvedic cooking tradition Kanjis or Congee because they are so incredible for the digestive system AND they're the easiest thing to make.  Sattvic foods are what we should all be consuming.  This is an Ayurvedic term to describe foods that lead to clarity of mind and physical health. Examples include: water, cereal grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, unpasteurized and unhomogenized fresh milk and all fresh milk derivatives (mostly ghee, but also butter, cream, fresh or cottage cheese (paneer), and yogurt (lassi), and raw honey.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Spleen (you can think Pancreas) is in charge of our digestive fire and ensuring that we're getting energy from our food.  If we're eating foods that are too complex, too many spices/flavors or poor food combinations, the Spleen has a difficult job and this can lead to a person being more easily susceptible to colds/sickness.  It is believed that when you eat healthy and nutritious food, the Spleen takes the energy (Gu Qi) of that food and sends it to the Lung which uses that energy to create your Wei Qi or Protective Qi which you can think Immunity.  This is why in the winter, when we eat heavy foods and sweets and then go outside in the cold wind, we often get sick- you have weak Wei Qi because you're not nourishing your body.

One breakfast I've been making recently that I love uses this new "grown up" oatmeal that I've found from Purely Elizabeth called, "Ancient Grains Organic 6-Grain Hot Cereal".  What I love about it is:

1.  It's not instant- Foods that are "instant" are what they call in Ayurvedic tradition "Tamasic".  Tamasic foods have a sedative effect on the mind and body.  In general, they are considered detrimental.  According to yoga, these foods are to be avoided as they can cause mental dullness and physical numbness.  Other Tamasic foods are leftovers, frozen foods, sugary/processed foods that lack life.  The way I think of it is that the life source of the food has already been removed when they made it "Instant".  It's better for you to cook your food and develop a relationship with your food as this is a source of energy you're putting in your body.  These plants put in the energy to grow under the sun, we can show respect by honoring them in our awareness with the cooking process.
2.  All of the organic grains that are included- Oats, Quinoa, Millet, Buckwheat, Amaranth, Kaniwa, Hemp and Flax.  This meal is PACKED with Omega-3's which everyone needs more of.
3.  It's a great base for you to get creative with your breakfast and invite other healthy ingredients.

Tri-Doshic Ancient Grains 6-Grain Hot Cereal Recipe

1.5 cups filtered water
2 tbsp precooked long grain Basmati rice (I had leftover and it makes this more of a conjee)
1/3 cup of Ancient Grain Cereal
1 tbsp of freshly grated ginger
1 tsp of cinnamon
1/2 tsp of fresh ground cardamon

2 tsp of local, organic honey
1 tsp of celtic sea salt (get your trace minerals)
1 tbsp of organic plain yogurt

1.  Bring the water to a boil with the rice in there, once boiling, add the Ancient Grain cereal and reduce heat to med-low.  I like to remove any foam that is created as this is believed to create gas and bloating.
2.  Set timer for 20 mins and add ginger, cinnamon and cardamon.
3.  Periodically stir and once 20 mins is up, set aside for a few mins.
4.  Add to bowl with honey, salt and yogurt and enjoy.

Tri-doshic means that all Doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) can consume this without aggravation.  The importance being the ginger/spices (heat) which balance the yogurt, especially for Kapha constitutions.

I'm waiting on some organic Black Mission Figs to ripen and can't wait to add them to this recipe.  If you try this and have any creative spice ideas or recipes to share- I'm all ears!  Have a great and healthy day. -Collin

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