Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Lactation Insufficiency Solutions Through Chinese Medicine

I was inspired to write this blog after encountering a few patients who had recently given birth and were either having low milk production, no milk or a blocked duct.  I wanted to share how Chinese medicine views these situations and resolves it based off of three common patterns.

Chinese medicine sees the body as a whole so when we describe an ailment or a set of signs and symptoms, we create a diagnostic pattern out of them which brings all of the signs and symptoms in to create a picture of disharmony that we use to treat.  It's kind of like drawing a map so that we know where we're going.

The three most common patterns that are seen in Chinese medicine when it comes to difficult lactation/lactation insufficiency are (1) Qi and Blood deficiency, (2) Liver Qi Stagnation, and (3) Phlegm and Qi Stagnation.

1.  Difficult lactation/lactation insufficiency due to Qi and Blood deficiency-  This is often seen in the mothers with weak constitutions who didn't gain a lot of weight during pregnancy, too old/young during pregnancy or heavy blood loss during their delivery.  The thought is that the body does not have enough Qi (energy) and Blood (nutrients) to make milk.  With Qi and Blood deficiency, the breasts are overly soft and never get engorged.  The milk is thin and water.  these women may have large amounts of loch discharge postpartum.  In this situation, resting, staying warm and eating a diet are most important.  Making nutrient heavy, simple to digest meals like congees and bone broth soup are vital in resolving this.

2.  Liver Qi Stagnation-  Preparing to have a child can put a lot of stress on a mother and the family and if that stress isn't lowered or managed, it can create what we call "qi stagnation" in the body, specifically in the LV channel.  This is important because the LV channel travels through the breast.  When we say Qi Stagnation, think of a river stream that was once flowing well, but became blocked either with debris or rocks; the water is not free flowing.  When a person becomes stressed, they tighten up and this inhibits the free flow of qi in the body.  This mother with have breast milk but it is not flowing, which might cause more frustration.  Your acupuncturist can prescribe safe herbal formulas to reduce stress as well as acupuncture and this will free the blockage so that the breast milk can flow.

3.  Phlegm and Qi Stagnation-  This can be seen in mothers who have a high BMI or are overweight.  These mothers will have enlarged breasts that are soft and fatty with little milk.  In Chinese medicine, we see obesity as a type of dampness that begins with a weak Spleen from food choices that are inconsistent with their constitution.  When dampness has not been cleared, it can thicken with heat and become Phlegm.  We would strengthen the Spleen and eliminate Phlegm through herbs and diet.  I highly recommend a mother to follow the Ayurvedic Kapha diet if this is their constitution.  

Tip:  Chinese medicine believes that "A mother's milk is made from her blood" therefore, if a woman has given birth and lost a lot of blood, had a poor diet where she was blood deficient or has a history of heavy bleeding during menstruation, her blood deficiency could result in lower amounts of milk.  Ensuring that you're eating a proper diet of whole foods, exercising but not too heavily, resting and seeing your doctor or acupuncturist if you have a history of heavy bleeding during menstruation will prevent this insufficiency.

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