Sunday, August 9, 2015

Fenugreek for Blood Sugar, Cholesterol and More

With a flavor often described as similar to maple syrup, ground fenugreek seeds are a key ingredient in curry powders and other spice blends.  The herb has a long history of use by nursing mothers to increase breast milk production.  A 1996 study conducted in India showed that fenugreek can help lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels in type 2 diabetics.  The research subjects were instructed to make no dietary or lifestyle changes, only to eat a bowl of soup that contained almost an ounce (25 grams) of fenugreek see powder before each meal.  After 24 weeks cholesterol and blood sugar level fell significantly.

Taking Fenugreek:  Make a tea by simmering 1 to 2 tablespoons fenugreek seeds in 4 cups of water for 15 minutes; remove from heat and let steep another 15 minutes, then strain and drink up to three cups daily.

Safety Concerns: Avoid fenugreek during pregnancy.

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