Saturday, August 8, 2015

Top 5 Proper Sleep Hygiene Habits to Better Health and Longevity

It's about 9pm where I am and I'm writing a blogpost about "Sleep Hygiene".  If you're not familiar with the term, Sleep Hygiene is described as the "habits and practices that are conducive to sleeping well on a regular basis."  So many of the patients I treat in our student clinic complain of poor sleep or not feeling rested when they wake up.  For some, this carries on for years and major fatigue sets in.  With the technology we have at hand as well as the crazy work hours we have, it can be difficult to adjust to a healthy sleep cycle.  This article will discuss a few things you can incorporate into your evening to ensure better rest and promote your longevity.

In Chinese medicine, night time is considered a Yin time and therefore, in living harmoniously with nature, should be spent doing more quiet Yin activities in order to settle down and rest peacefully once the sun has set.  It is believed that living out of harmony with nature (i.e. night-shift job, staying up until 3am) can create long term health problems.  Proper sleep allows the body to rejuvenate and heal itself.  It is important to be able to wake up at dawn to greet the sun.  If you find that you are tired throughout the day or wake up feeling exhausted, here are a few strong places to begin looking regarding your Sleep Hygiene:

1.  Your last meal should be around 6-7pm- roughly 3 hours before you go to bed.  This allows digestion to take place before it's time to rest.  I know I've experienced that sleep right after you have a few slices of pizza- you wake up at 3am burning up and wanting water and wake up tired.  What you eat/how much you eat before bed is very important.  Also avoid tomato sauces or spicy food as this can aggravate the heart and mind.
2.  Turn off the TV, iPad, iPhone, computer etc. two hours before bed.  The light emitted from these devices inhibit the body's release of melatonin as the cones and rods in your eyes continue to receive light and signal the body to not release.  Turning these off early allows the body to move into relaxation.
3.  Avoid consuming any caffeine/sugar after noon.  Caffeine can take up to 24 hours to clear your system.  Most of the patients I see drink coffee into the early afternoon and wonder why their mind is racing when they're laying down in bed.  If you enjoy coffee or tea, have it in the early morning with your breakfast and let your food/breathing be your energy throughout the rest of the day.  I have known several people who have quit caffeine and can not believe how incredible their sleep is at night.
4.  Be aware of the meals you have around bedtime.  In Ayurvedic traditions, lunch should be your largest meal and dinner be lighter so that your body isn't spending all night digesting a heavy meal.  Alcohol is known to inhibit deeper levels of restful/healing sleep.  Spicy/acidic foods will create heartburn for many when lying down.
5.  Meditation or Qi Gong.  The evening is a wonderful time to spend 10-30 minutes before bed meditating.  This quiet time is YOUR time.  You don't think about the day, what is planned for tomorrow or anything.  You simply sit in awareness.  If you have never mediated before or practiced Qi Gong, there is a ton of information on youtube- it's very simple.  Mediation deeply relaxes the mind and allow a person to reach Alpha and Theta brainwaves, which before bed will create deep sleep.

There are many other suggestions for proper Sleep Hygiene but these were my Top 5.  If you have any that have worked for you, I would love to hear.  I'm going to meditate and head to bed.  Good night all!

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