Saturday, March 14, 2015

Why I decided to kick caffeine...

It's been about a week since I've stopped drinking black tea and I thought I would share the changes that I've noticed since then and talk about the effects caffeine has on our health.  I notice that a lot of the people I treat have a fondness for caffeinated beverages and I feel that it is an aspect of our health that we should consider, especially for our long term health.

This is not my first time taking a break from caffeine- for years I've been an avid black and green tea drinker and prior to that a coffee/espresso consumer.  When I used to drink coffee or espresso, I would normally experience a unilateral headache, jitters and dizziness which lead me to switch to teas.  The effects tea had on me were less severe unless I had two or more 8 oz. cups of tea.

In 8 oz. of coffee, there is on average 100 mg of caffeine while 8 oz. of tea has an average of 50 mg. (1)  Caffeine works by stimulating the adrenal glands which sit above your kidneys and release adrenaline meant for fight-or-flight situations.  The consumption of caffeine is stimulating this reaction from your adrenal glands in non-fight-or-flight situations and can lead to adrenal fatigue. Signs of adrenal fatigue are (2):

  • Feelings of exhaustion for no reason
  • Trouble getting out of bed in the morning even with a proper amount of sleep
  • Feeling most energetic around 6pm, tired again between 9-10pm and then energize from11pm to 1am
  • craving for salty and sweet snacks
  • Loss of concentration and memory loss
  • A decreased ability to handle stress
  • Trouble bouncing back after being sick
  • Reduced sex drive
  • A Sensitivity to cold
Since I've stopped drinking tea, my sleep has been incredibly deep and I feel renewed when I wake up.  My emotions are more even; I laugh more and there is less fear of interaction. It is also better for your skin.  In his bestselling books, The Perricone Prescription and The Wrinkle Cure, Dr. Nicholas Perricone encourages people to quit coffee to prevent skin aging.  His patients have shown him the consequences of elevated cortisol levels on skin aging and wrinkling- dehydration and a decrease in collage and elastin production.  High caffeine consumption in women is also being linked to breast cancer and early menopause. 

I recommend moderate water consumption throughout the day; the rule of half your bodyweight in ounces has worked well for me.  Supplements like Reishi mushroom and Cordyceps fungi are adaptogenic and incredibly good for you.  When energy is low, deep breathing exercises are beneficial and if you can take a nap, you should.  Naps are great for you.

If you suffer from anxiety, difficulty sleeping, poor memory or fluctuations in energy, I would recommend considering decreasing the amount of caffeine you consume or discontinuing consumption completely and seeing how you feel.  Remember the delicate balance your body tries to regulate with your hormones and assist it in reaching homeostasis by not adding more chemicals.

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below.  Thank you! Collin  


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